They provide baking strength, suppleness, extensibility and optimise flour quality and functionalities while taking account of market needs, uses and applications.

Each flour is unique

Offering a quality, uniform and consistent flour for producing bakery products is a miller’s priority. As a result, made up of technological ingredients and enzymatic complexes, correctors are formulated according to wheat types and flour specifications: conventional, organic, Label Rouge®, CRC®, with no added gluten… The majority of solutions, containing no additives, are tailor-made, offering the miller the possibility of working with different wheat varieties and qualities.

Corrector solutions for your flours and breads | EUROGERM SAS


GERMIX® is a range of correctors providing flour quality and uniformity. After analysis of your milling, we recommend the most suitable correction for the desired technical characteristics. 

Corrector solutions for your flours and breads | EUROGERM SAS

New Harvest

Every year at the time of the new wheat harvest, a range of correctors is specifically designed to ease the transition to the new wheats. Using these, you can avoid quality problems when transitioning from the old to the new crop.

Corrector solutions for your flours and breads | EUROGERM SAS

« French Tradition »

The TRADIGERMIX® range of correctors is suitable for the Tradition Française flour (bread decree N°93-1074 of 13/09/93). By incorporating them you can add value to the quality of the flour used when producing French traditional bread.

Corrector solutions for your flours and breads | EUROGERM SAS

Our seasonal overview information

Right through the year, Eurogerm controls the consistent quality of customers’ wheat and flour types. The post-harvest period or transition between the 2 seasons (from August to September/October in France) is the high point of the year when more than 800 new wheat samples are analysed. Every year we put together a summary of the results which then will serve as guidelines for our correctors for the milling year to come. 

A preliminary diagnosis?

Following your specifications, we will make a complete diagnosis of your wheat or flour before recommending a correction solution, while taking account of the use and applications.