Our recognised expertise in the wheat-flour-bread-patisserie sector lies at the heart of our business, however Eurogerm has deployed its evaluation and development methods in other food applications: biscuit production, pastas, crisps/chips, aperitif snacks, fruit mixes, dairy products… Incorporating technological, sensory and nutritional added-value ingredients can turn out to be excellent routes for innovation and differentiation.


Plant-based trend

Cereals, seeds, pulses all offer undeniable advantages of which consumers are becoming ever more aware. Proteins and vegetable ingredients are really popular. Our expertise in transforming and using them will guarantee the success of your product development.

At the service of taste

Discover all the potential of our aromatic solutions for reinforcing a taste profile, add your own signature or bringing out a particular flavour in your finished products. There also, we will support you in working out with you a personalised solution.

Expert in Pasta!

For our key Export markets, we have put together a solutions range based on the formulation of specific enzymes, to improve the organoleptic quality of pasta products using soft wheat and attain the standard quality of durum wheat pasta: aspect, firmness, elasticity, resistance on cooking…

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